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Brand Cialis
Tadalafil 20mg

Mens Health, Erectile Dysfunction

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20mg × 8 pills $14.99 $119.95 + BUY NOW
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20mg × 32 pills $11.00 $351.95 + BUY NOW

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Brand Cialis

You know how those love stories go:  you meet a girl, fall in love, woo her with your impossible charm and take her home so that your affection, budding devotion and sexual tension can finally culminate in a beautiful, physical expression of love – sexual intercourse. But when happens when you simply cannot get it up? Don’t start questioning your affection (as many do); this puts an unfair focus on your partner and your emotional connection to her (or him), when in fact erectile dysfunction has a lot of causes that have nothing to do with your partner or the degree to which you desire them.

For that matter, try to avoid blaming yourself. Yes, there is a temptation, upon realizing that you cannot have sexual intercourse, to feel like you have failed in some grand way. After all, what good are you if you cannot perform one of the most basic, natural acts in the world? But the truth is that it doesn’t take much to make you one of the millions of erectile dysfunction sufferers: hormonal imbalances, depressing mental states and age itself all contribute to the cause. And sometimes, impotency just… happens. The key is to not let it damage your life while you’re working on how to reverse it. Before you try any drug, remember that a positive attitude can work wonders on its own. Don’t let the impotency build up any feelings of failure or despair. Indeed, of all the possible things with which you could become afflicted, at least there is are good, effective treatment options available for it – including the name brand Cialis.

Getting access to the brand Cialis may first require a visit to the doctor. A doctor will examine the situation and try to determine the cause. In some instances, ED could be the symptom of a bigger, more serious health condition. Usually though, the doctor will simply listen to you describe your problem, perform a medical examination of your body and then write out the prescription for what you need. Cialis is likely to be the brand chosen by your physician for a variety of reasons.

For one, it is fairly inexpensive. Though doctors themselves have a reputation for being wealthy, they are often conscious of their patient’s budget needs – especially if you tell them in advance. They will prescribe medicine that you can actually afford. They might also send you not the brand Cialis (per say) but rather the off-brand, generic prescription containing the same active ingredient. The cheapest option strongly depends on your chosen insurance plan - sometimes name brand drugs are actually cheaper because they are covered 100% whereas generic drugs have a small deductible.

Once you have your prescription and get it home, you can start to reap the benefits of the brand Cialis. It is, in fact, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor – a muscle relaxer – which calms the muscles, allowing blood to race to your penis fast enough to maintain an erection. Once you’ve started the drug, you may notice it is easier than it was even before you had ED to become aroused and hard. And, you don’t have to worry about being a crazed pill-popper: the drug lasts many hours... in some cases, as many as 36! It depends on the strength of your dosage, which begins at about 10mg and can go even higher. The appropriate dosage may be a function of your overall health.  Brand Cialis does not require that you eat food prior to swallowing it (although you can, if you want to).

There are always side effects to think about. Most are minor issues, things like a runny nose, stomach ache and dizziness. They cause discomfort but subside after a little while (and if they don’t subside you should definitely see a doctor immediately).  Every now and then, someone experiences a more serious side effect, such as priapism (and erection that lasts too long) and vision trouble. Side effects may be more severe if you combine the drug with heart medications, as it is known to interact with certain heart medicines – particularly alpha-blockers and nitrates. 

There are scores of men in the United States currently struggling with ED – and maybe even more than that, if you consider how many men are suffering silently out of embarrassment, because they think they caused the problem. Brand Cialis and other drugs are available, however, to help rectify the issue so that no one has to guess the reason why erectile dysfunction is happening. They can simply sit back and enjoy the experience of sexual intercourse without worry.

And the epic, fairy tale love story can proceed from there – as you and the girl of your dreams realize that you are perfectly sexually compatible and begin to figure out all the reasons why.