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Generic Amoxil
Amoxyciliin 500mg

Generic Amoxil

GOOD NEWS: Now we accept Mastercard for all orders!

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500mg × 30 pills $1.73 $51.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 60 pills $1.58 $94.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 90 pills $1.48 $132.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 120 pills $1.40 $167.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 180 pills $1.34 $240.95 + BUY NOW

GOOD NEWS: Now we accept Mastercard for all orders!

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Does Amoxil (Amoxicilin) Work?

Few infections carry the embarrassment and stigma as those of the vaginal variety (bacterial vaginosis). Yet the unfortunate fact is that they do occur. The whole body -vagina included – carries different forms of bacteria. Surprisingly, not all bacteria are bad - some of it fights harmful bacteria and keeps your bodily functions running smoothly. Sometimes, however, the harmony your body maintains is disrupted and the balance of bacteria is disturbed. This can be caused, for example, after a round of strong antibiotics, which kills all bacteria (good or bad) and forces your body to re-establish bacteria levels. In these instances, the bad bacteria can flourish, and bacterial vaginosis can occur.

The symptoms of the infection can closely mirror those of a yeast infection, and many women attempt to treat it themselves with medication for that other embarrassing problem. Unfortunately, they have two different root causes (a yeast infection is a fungal, not bacterial imbalance) and so it is completely ineffective.

What is effective? It is ironic to think that an antibiotic (which may have well caused the issue) could be the solution - but that is the truth. Two of the most effective, popular drugs for bacterial vaginosis are Flagyl and Cleocin. They work well, but unfortunately are not an option for everyone. For those who fall through the cracks, there is Amoxil.

Amoxil may not be the ideal treatment, but it has been working for a lot of women, for a long time. It has been prescribed for decades now and prior to recent medical advances, was the go-to drug for bacterial vaginosis. It is no longer top of the line (it works the same but new drugs work better), but when the leading prescriptions must be avoided (because of allergies, for instance) it still gets the job done.

For some, the cost may be another motivating factor in choosing Amoxil. It is less expensive that the alternative medicines, so those hoping to save their cash may give it a second glance. When choosing it for its price, however, you should take several things into account. First, ask the insurance companies to determine if one of the leading brands is covered; if you must pay out of pocket call different pharmacies to see if they off the newer drugs at an affordable price. Finally, weigh the cost of a second infection, because if Amoxil fails to work 100%, such an event is likely to occur.

Amoxicillin isn’t the best treatment available and it is not the effective; however, it is less expensive and – to be a little crude – it’s better to have something than nothing, particularly when it comes to curing an embarrassing, uncomfortable condition such as bacterial vaginosis.